- General
- Ethics for Behavior Analysts by Jon S. Bailey and Mary R. Burch
- Learning and Behavior by Paul Chance
- Physiology of Behavior (11th Edition) by Neil Carlson
- Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Pryor
- Clinical Behavioral Medicine For Small Animals by Karen Overall
- Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach, Tenth Edition by John Alcock
- Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide by Paul Martin and Patrick Bateson
- The Science of Consequences: How They Affect Genes, Change the Brain, and Impact Our World by Susan M. Schneider
- Biology and Human Behavior: The Neurological Origins of Individuality (DVD, 2nd Ed.) by Robert Sapolsky
- Dog
- Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 1: Adaptation and Learning by Steven R. Lindsay
- Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 2: Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems by Steven R. Lindsay
- Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Vol. 3: Procedures and Protocols by Steven R. Lindsay
- Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3e by Gary Landsberg and Wayne Hunthausen
- How Dogs Learn (Howell reference books) by Mary Burch, PhD and Jon S. Bailey, PhD
- Excel-Erated Learning: Explaining in Plain English How Dogs Learn and How Best to Teach Them by Pamela Reid
- Dogs: A New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior and Evolution by Raymond Coppinger and Lorna Coppinger
- Dog Behaviour, Evolution, and Cognition (Oxford Biology) by Adam Miklosi
- Cat
- AAFP Feline Behavior Guidelines
- Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat, 3e by Gary Landsberg and Wayne Hunthausen
- The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour by Dennis C. Turner & Patrick Bateson, Eds.
- The Behaviour of the Domestic Cat by John W.S. Bradshaw 2nd edition
- Feline Behavior, 2e by Bonnie Beaver
- BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Behavioural Medicine (BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association) by Debra Horwitz and Daniel Mills
- Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists (Houpt, Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists) by Katherine Houpt
General Behavior
Dog Behavior
Cat Behavior
Lecturas recomendadas
- Conducta
La mirada del entrenador por Ken Ramirez.
La revolución del clicker por Kay Laurence.
Lenguaje Canino por Lili Chin.
Perros; una nueva interpretación sobre su origen, comportamiento y evolución por Raymond y Lorna Coppinger.
Chaser, el perro más listo del mundo por John W. Pilley.
12 Terribles errores de adiestramiento canino por Suzanne Hetts.
Por el amor de un perro: Comprende tus emociones y las de tu mejor amigo por Patricia McConnell.
No lo mates… Enséñale! El arte de enseñar y entrenar a nuestro perro por Karen Pryor.
Aprendizaje y mente animal, El adiestramiento con clicker por Karen Pryor.
Introduccion al entrenamiento con clicker por Karen Pryor.
Lenguaje Felino por Lili Chin.
En la mente de un gato por John Bradshaw.
Adiestra a tu gato por Sarah Ellis y John Bradshaw.