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IAABC Sponsorship Program
The IAABC curates a selection of sponsors who provide high-quality services, education, and products to professional animal trainers and behavior consultants. The goal of our sponsorship program is to connect these organizations with our members for the benefit of all parties. 

Why Be an IAABC Sponsor? 
Join us in our mission to elevate the standard of behavior consulting worldwide. As industry leaders, we are recognized by the animal community across multiple species for holding the most rigorous credentials, and we are actively sought after for professional services. By partnering with us, you will reach an international, multilingual, and diverse audience of over 3,500 member experts spanning 70 countries. This partnership will showcase your commitment to excellence and gain you recognition for your rigorous standards. Through sponsorship with the IAABC you will achieve high ROI as your brand becomes recognized as a trusted IAABC partner among our member experts and the companion animal-owning public. 

 Sponsorship Packages  

 IMPACT ($1000 USD)



 IAABC Sponsor Listing  Impact level benefits plus  Innovation level benefits plus
 Option to offer member discount  Monthly blog or social media post  Priority to promote courses and events
 Announcement on Social Media  Opportunities to trial products and services  Sponsorship Listing on IAABC member page
 Announcement on member newsletter  Special event promotion  Brand exclusivity (first come first serve


Application Process 

The IAABC holds a high standard for our Sponsors. Every potential sponsorship or member benefit partner is vetted for alignment with our ethics, industry standards, and LIMA. Providing a high-quality sponsorship package aligns with the high standard of ethics we uphold. If you are interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities with the IAABC, please fill out our meeting request form, and we will be in touch by email to confirm a meeting time and date.

Contact Us 

If you are interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities with the IAABC please fill out our meeting request form and we will be in touch by email to confirm a meeting time and date.