Accredited Credentials
The IAABC Accredited Dog Trainer credential (IAABC-ADT) indicates a trainer with a sound foundation in the principles and practices of animal training as well as the ability to apply this skill set to a wide range of behavior issues. Accredited credentials are open to any dog trainer and behavior consultant who has experience leading to them working independently with clients. Accredited members qualify to be listed in the IAABC consultant locator and have the right to use the IAABC Accredited logo. They are also granted an official certificate detailing their competencies.
Eligibility Requirements
We suggest a minimum of 2 years experience dog training and working knowledge of learning science, training, and husbandry, and seminar, mentorship, and other additional education. This is a strong recommendation based on those who have been successful.
The Accredited Dog Trainer examination is available to current IAABC members. The one time application fee is $225 USD. Application fees are not refundable if the application is abandoned or expires.
Continuing Education Requirements
To maintain this credential, member must successful complete a minimum of 36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every 3 years
Ready to Get Started:
- First, please read our IAABC Code of Ethics. We take our ethics seriously and will investigate and sanction any member and/or credential holder who is reported to be in violation.
- Log into your membership account to start the application process. One your open your examination you will have 60 days to receive endorsement and 60 days to complete the written examination.
- If you are looking for more information we encourage you to read our in-depth Application Handbook. This document contains all the detailed policies and processes that we follow