Affiliate Credentials
The IAABC Affiliate credential recognizes shelter workers who have achieved a foundational level of competence in shelter work, supported by a proven understanding of the science of learning and behavior change. Affiliate credentials are open to individuals who have worked regularly in a shelter environment. The IAABC recognizes the important and diverse competencies of various specialties; trainers and behavior consultants who have not had hands-on experience in a shelter do not qualify for this credential.
Affiliate members qualify to be listed in the IAABC consultant locator and have the right to use the IAABC Affiliate logo. They are also granted an official certificate detailing their competencies.
Current Credentials
We offer the following specialty-specific credentials at the Affiliate level:
Affiliate |
Eligibility Requirements
We suggest:
- A minimum of 200 hours experience in shelters
- A working knowledge of learning science, training, and husbandry, with additional knowledge of animal management skills related to shelter work
- Familiarity with dogs, cats, and other species if applicable
Application Fee: $125
Application fees are not refundable if the application is abandoned or expires.
Continuing Education Requirements
36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every 3 years
Application requires:
Your answers should reflect your knowledge and ability as a shelter behavior professional and demonstrate your skills in working with animals in a shelter environment.
Applicants must receive a score of 80% or higher on the application to pass.
Applicants who score below these requirements on any section of the application remain valuable Supporting members. Supporting members are welcome to retake the exam after receiving their notice. There is no waiting period for exam retakes.
How to Earn an IAABC Credential
You can view the navigation items to understand more about the requirements of each of our credentials. Or, click below for a walk-through of the credentialing process, resources for preparation, and requirements for credential maintenance.