Accessible Version


  • Practice scoring the Behavior checklist prior to taking the exam. Click here for video resources.
  • Use the definitions found here.
  • Download the BCL scoring form to record your scores and notes as you watch the video. The scoring form is not required but may be helpful in recording scores as you view the video.
  • If you are less experienced, watch the video completely then score as you watch it again. You can replay the video as often as you would like.
  • You can stop the exam and return to where you left off at any time. Your partial scores will be saved and you can return to review and change any answers from any part of the exam.
  • Your final score will be provided after you have completed scoring all 6 videos. To access your final score, navigate to your dashboard and click on the certificate to review your score.


  • $65 USD Application Fee to take the certification exam.
  • Certification Certificates are valid for 24 months from the time at which the fee is paid.


  • Certification is achieved by accurately scoring 6 randomly provided videos.
  • Accuracy is calculated by using the Kappa Statistic (Cohen's Kappa) statistical method of your scores for all BCL items for all 6 videos as compared with the "gold standard".
  • Certification is an agreement (Inter-rater reliability score) equal or greater than 0.61.
  • Testers with scores less than 0.61 are allowed to repeat the test one time at no charge. Repeating the test involves scoring another randomly selected set of 6 videos. If you do not achieve a passing score and wish to retake the examination, please contact for instructions on how to re-access the examination.
  • Your name is listed on the BCL website for 24 months as a certified BCL evaluator.


  • Confidence that BCLs within your organization are consistently scored.
  • Consistent measurements are necessary for accurate calculation of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) in IWDR and decision-making based on BCL data.
  • The ability to offer evaluations remotely and in person locally and internationally.
  • Enhance your ability to  read and describe aspects of behavior using a common set of definitions.


  • Anyone is eligible to take the exam.


  • Sign up to be on the notification list for updates about the BCL and educational opportunities.
  • Visit the IWDR for educational content on learning to score.