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Certified Credentials

The IAABC Certified designation represents the pinnacle of achievement for animal behavior consultants. This credential indicates multiple years of experience and the ability to tackle challenging, complex cases. The IAABC has Certified over 650 animal behavior consultants across the globe and welcomes mid-to late-career professionals to apply for this prestigious designation. 
Certified members qualify to be listed in the IAABC consultant locator and to mentor up-and-coming IAABC members who are preparing to become behavior consultants. We value our Certified members highly and recognize their achievements in the field by granting the right to use the IAABC Certified logo and granting an official certificate detailing their competencies.

Current Credentials

We offer the following specialty-specific credentials at the Certified level:


  • Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC)
  • Certified Cat Behavior Consultant (CCBC)
  • Certified Equine Behavior Consultant (CEBC)
  • Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant (CPBC)
  • Certified Animal Behavior Consultant (CABC)*
  • Certified in Shelter Behavior - Dog (CSB-D)
  • Certified in Shelter Behavior - Cat (CSB-C)
  • Certified Shelter Behavior Specialist (CSBS)**
*Individuals who are certified in 3 or more species may request to replace the individual designations with the CABC designation. 
**Individuals who are certified in 2 or more Shelter specialties may request to replace the individual designations with the CSBS designation. 
Designation changes are not reversible.

Eligibility Requirements

We suggest:
  • a minimum of four years and 500 hours of experience in animal behavior consulting;
  • 400 hours minimum of coursework, seminars, and mentorships;
  • a working knowledge of learning theory, counterconditioning, desensitization, training, and husbandry, with additional in-depth knowledge of assessment skills and application of species-specific knowledge


Application Fees: $225

Application fees are not refundable if the application is abandoned or expires. 

Continuing Education Requirements

36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every 3 years


  • Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorists (US DACVB) who are currently practicing in animal behavior consulting with clients will be granted Certified status in their species of specialty with submission of membership dues and application fee.
  • Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourists (UK CCABs) accredited by the ASAB who are currently practicing in animal behavior consulting with clients will be granted Certified status with submission of membership dues and application fee.
  • DACVBs and CCABs requesting Certified Animal Behavior Consultant (CABC) status must submit an attestation to from a fellow DACVB or CCAB confirming their work with three or more species. CABC status can only be granted upon receipt of this letter of confirmation, or by attaining certification in three or more species of expertise


    How to Earn an IAABC Credential

    You can view the navigation items to understand more about the requirements of each of our credentials. Or, click below for a walk-through of the credentialing process, resources for preparation, and requirements for credential maintenance.