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Speakers: Trish King CPDT, CDBC
Venues:  (Sat Mar 6th, 2021)
Email: events@petworkshops.com
Type: Online / Telecourse
Competencies: Assessment
Consulting Skills
Behavioral Science
General Knowledge of Animal Behavior
Species-Specific Knowledge
Biological Scien
Website: https://www.puppyworks.com/problemsolvers
Host Name: arie kopelman
Host Email: events@petworkshops.com
Description: Reactivity often presents as aggression when it is not. Rather, it is generally a situation in which a fearful dog tries to control her environment by reacting to it in a defensive manner - trying to make the situation more stable, or moving away from the perceived threat when she cannot control it. As we know, dogs have two broad choices when presented something that frightens them - to flee or to fight. In many cases, helping the dog begin to trust her environment is a first stage of rehabilitation, followed by the use of training and modification tools to cope with situations that seem out of our control. We will discuss the practical application of tools for both parts of this problem. 1) Plan for situations under the owner’s control • attention • trust • predictability on the part of the owner • games to promote diversion, and mental readjustment 2) Plan for situations not under the owner’s control • list of well-rehearsed exercises for avoidance and distraction • games to allow for dispersal of energy • Plan for dealing with other out of control dogs
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