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Member Assistance Fund

Membership Assistance Fund

The IAABC believes strongly in the power of community. Our members are the best at what they do!

Now, any member can donate to the Membership Assistance Fund designed specifically for helping other members in need.

To donate:

Log into your Membership Account, and click "Renew" on the right hand side. You can donate at any time.

Click the check box beside "Membership Assistance Fund". A suggested donation of $25 is provided, however any amount is appreciated!

Image: Membership Assistance Fund Image


To Become a Recipient:

Any current IAABC member in good standing can apply to the Membership Assistance Fund.

To apply, click HERE.


  • Members must be currently in good standing (up to date on membership dues and CE for credentials).
  • Members must be in at least their second year of membership (have renewed once on their own).
  • Members must be behavior industry professionals for whom the membership represents a professional benefit.
  • Members must send a 1 paragraph statement of need and include how they believe the fund will benefit them and/or their organization.
  • Members must not have any ethical complaints or violations.
  • Members may only receive this benefit once.
  • All submissions are assessed individually on a first-come-first-served basis. The IAABC reserves the right to accept or reject any submission.
  • Any inquiries can email membership@iaabc.org 
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