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Equitable Pricing for Latin America

In this changing world, IAABC strives to stay current within the industry, following the trends in the marketing world, without sacrificing the quality and high standards that characterize our organization. With a renowned reputation in training and animal behavior, IAABC is proud to have thousands of dedicated members who at the same time are nurtured by the benefits that are granted by the mere fact of belonging to this great IAABC family. In this sense, IAABC seeks to favor and establish equitable opportunities for members living in regions of lower resources, being Latin America an area affected by various factors that reduce their purchasing power, both from the point of view of the work of training and consultancy supply and the applicable rates. We are therefore pleased to announce that IAABC is now offering a 50% discount on membership and credential applications for all of Latin America, while we will continue to investigate the possibilities of offering something similar in other regions of the world.

access the discount, Latin Americans only have to complete their data in both membership and applications and, by indicating the country where they come from, the fee reduction will be applied automatically. This is a great opportunity that you will surely not want to miss, to join the IAABC professional community.