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2018 APDT Conference Recording
Ponentes: Jean Donaldson, Mikkel Becker, Lisa Blanchard, Bill dotson, Shannon Coyners, Irith Bloom, Veronica Boutelle, Ian Dunbar
Sedes: (Mon Mar 18th, 2019 -to- Tue Dec 31st, 2019)
   (Wed Jan 1st, 2020 -to- Tue Dec 31st, 2024)
Correo electrónico:
Tipo: Online / Remote Learning
Competencias: Assessment
Behavioral Science
Consulting Skills
General Knowledge of Animal Behavior
Sitio web:
Nombre del organizador: Jennifer Franco
Correo electrónico del organizador:
Descripción: Be a Better Trainer. Build a Better Business. Come, sit, stay, and learn. The 2018 APDT Conference will offer a variety of opportunities to improve ourselves as trainers, as business people, and as an industry. From amazing keynote speakers to CE classes to ample opportunities to network and participate in peer-to-peer sharing, the 2019 APDT Conference a dynamic event for serious dog-trainers who want to stay at the top of their game.