Versión accesible
Shelter Playgroup Alliance Core Educational Program
Ponentes: Mara Velez, MA, CPDT-KA; Dot Baisly, MS, CDBC
Sedes:  (Wed Feb 1st, 2023 -to- Mon Jun 5th, 2023)
Correo electrónico:
Tipo: Online / Telecourse
Competencias: Assessment
Behavioral Science
General Knowledge of Animal Behavior
Species-Specific Knowledge
Biological Sciences as related to
Sitio web:
Nombre del organizador: Kiem Sie
Correo electrónico del organizador:
Descripción: Program overview: This series of educational modules will prepare participants to create enrichment programs for shelter animals, including dogs and cats, manage dog playgroups using the LIMA ethical standard, and use canine and feline conspecific interactions and enrichment for behavior modification.