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Stronger Together

Our organization is devastatingly proud of our many accomplished members who continue to innovate and serve as role models in the field. But the true value our members offer is in the combined knowledge and wisdom of every single individual and their willingness to share with others.
The depth of expertise in our community ranges from boarded veterinary behaviorists to academics to exotic animal keepers to equine specialists carefully leading their field toward a future of humane training. We've got shelter professionals who have spent decades shaping their organizations to be behavior-savvy, and we have business owners who have been there, done that, and are thrilled to offer thoughts on how to avoid the pitfalls of entrepreneurship.
In short, our community members eagerly and expertly support each other, bringing the collective knowledge of dozens of disciplines, species, and fields into one place.
So that's pretty darn cool.
As an IAABC member, you'll have access to this amazing community in several ways. First, we have an active member Facebook group for sharing ideas, getting insight on business practices and behavior change strategies, and staying on top of current research thanks to our community engagement staff, who share weekly analysis of academic studies in animal behavior and foster conversation around the implications for the profession.  The IAABC member events group provides an opportunity for members to share upcoming events, presentations, and professional development or education with one another.
Next, our website includes internal forums for deep dives into case studies and in-depth discussion on professional topics. An internal member list makes finding referrals and local connections easy. And our member to member job listings can help give you the next step up in your career that you've been looking for.
Want to get to know people face to face? IAABC enjoys an active roster of live discussion groups by video conference, called Community Connections. In addition to our general community discussion groups on business and industry topics, all members are welcome to participate in interest-specific communities. We encourage every member to expand their knowledge of animal behavior by attending groups outside of their primary species or specialty of interest. You may be surprised at how much it helps you in your practice, and you are certain to be impressed by the approachable expertise of our members that makes this such a special place.

Member Testimonials

Sylvia Czarnecki

Certified Horse Behavior Consultant

Here I get support, information and training on current, evidence-based knowledge. A great community of international consultants offers great exchange on each relevant topic to support each other helping animals, their owners or even organizations that take care of animals of different species.

    Virtual Discussion Groups

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    Community Connections groups are hosted by IAABC members and monthly schedules may vary. The following is a list of active groups and the days/times they generally meet. Current discussion groups are held in English, but speakers of other languages are welcome to attend and encouraged to also create their own groups in the language of their choice by emailing

    Community Connections Groups

    Group Name Group Focus Meets On Usual time
    Doggone Discourse Issues of interest for canine behavior enthusiasts Monthly on Wednesdays Evenings (EDT)

    Feline Chatty Issues of interest for cat behavior enthusiasts Monthly on Wednesdays Evenings (EDT)

Are you ready to join the IAABC community?