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Our Ethics

The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants holds that ethics in animal behavior consulting is multi-faceted, involving considerations across multiple ethical areas, including (but not limited to) animal ethics, business and professional ethics, education, and applicable laws. As an international organization, IAABC recognizes that values and practices surrounding animals and animal behavior consulting are diverse and varied. IAABC supports its members in creating and promoting industry-leading ethical principles and guidance for best practices for animal behavior consulting.

All IAABC members and credential holders are required to follow the Joint Standards of Practice and Professional Code of Ethics adopted by the IAABC in 2018. Our standards are intended to build animal behavior practice as a profession that holds a high degree of trust from the general public. The IAABC educates our members on how to follow these standards and holds them accountable through our ethics complaint process. All aspirant IAABC members must read and agree to these requirements before joining.

You may go the following link to file an ethics complaint against an IAABC member or credential holder.

Complaints of Ethical Misconduct

The IAABC prides itself on the quality and conduct of its members and credential holders as well as its dedication to holding them to high standards of professionalism. In order to protect the general public, the reputation of our membership and credentials, and the organization, the IAABC accepts complaints against current and former IAABC members and credential holders.

Anyone who is found in violation of the Code of Ethics may be subject to sanctions. Depending on the severity of the violation, the sanctions may range from a letter of reprimand to mandatory corrective action, suspension, or termination of membership and/or credentials.

Conduct During the Complaint Process

If you are notified of a complaint against you, please remember that participation in the process is a requirement of membership and credentialing. We are required to process all complaints received; nobody is exempt based on their status in the industry, service to the IAABC, or any other factor. In addition, we expect you to conduct yourself according to professional standards of courtesy. Poor treatment of the Ethics Director including abusive language or personal attacks is wholly unacceptable and may be presented as a secondary violation.


If a respondent does not agree with the outcome of the complaint, they may file an appeal and have the case re-evaluated by a Hearing Panel. This process is time-sensitive and no further appeals are available.