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    Examination FAQs

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    Have a question that's not on the list? Please contact us.

    How do I find someone to write endorsements? Do I have to know them in real life? How do I ask them? 

    By the time you are applying for a credentialing examination, the IAABC expects you to have a network of clients, colleagues and veterinary professionals that have worked with you on cases and/or physically observed you training, either in person or virtually. Do not request endorsements from someone who only knows your work indirectly via in-person social connections or online social media.


    When asking for an endorsement, we suggest a simple email request outlining your desire to become credentialed and requesting they endorse you in your role as a professional trainer or behavior consultant.

    How much of a time commitment is writing endorsements?

    Your endorsers should be able to complete the form in about 10 minutes. Most endorsers are honored to be asked. Please do let your endorsers know the IAABC deadline of 60 days as well as any personal deadlines you have to work under.

    I signed up for the wrong exam or realized I don't have time for this right now. Can I get a refund?

    We are able to offer a one-time switch to the correct examination as long as you have not made any submissions to your current examination, including endorsements. We are not able to offer refunds on credentialing examinations. 

    Can I ask questions during the testing process?

    No. All examinees are given the same questions and examinee guidance notes within the examination. We are not able to provide additional assistance in order to ensure the examination is the same for everyone.

    What happens if I run out of time on my exam?

    You may request an extension within the examination portal before your application expires. We will review each extension request on a case by case basis to determine if it may be approved and the duration of the extension. We highly recommend that you plan to complete your application several days early to avoid stress at the last minute.

    If I don't pass, Will I get feedback on my answers so I can do better next time?

    Our scorers reserve the right to ask clarification questions as needed. However, we are not able to give you feedback on your performance. Credentialing examinations are different from classroom examinations in that the goal is to objectively assess your performance, not to instruct you on how to pass the exam. Offering assistance to one examinee over another gives an unfair advantage to the person who has the additional information. All guidance that the IAABC gives on the examination process is publicly available to all.