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Raising the Bar

The IAABC's core mission is to raise the standards of animal behavior consulting worldwide, making our credentialing process the core function of the organization. IAABC offers credentials for early to late-career professionals that are grounded in the sciences that combine to create an animal behavior professional, including learning, ethology, biology, and psychology.

Global Impact 

Our credentials are recognized internationally, and the IAABC actively works with national and local governments to ensure that becoming credentialed with the IAABC will provide the credential holder with the right to work in any locale that regulates the industry. We also stand up for behavior professionals as experts in their field and work to ensure that animal behavior practitioners are viewed on equal footing with professionals in related fields. This critical stance protects the field of animal behavior and supports individuals' ability to work independently in their careers.

Education and Oversight

In order to maintain our standards of ongoing education, the IAABC assists credentialed practitioners by actively seeking out qualified education providers in various languages and specialties, providing a set of pre-approved resources for continuing education that includes the best minds in the field. Learning from our approved providers is sure to help trainers and consultants succeed in their careers and stay on top of advances in the various sciences. 

a woman holding a treat pouch stands in front of a sitting dog; a person feeds a sea lion from a bucket; a smiling man in a hat holds a macaw
a man touches noses with a cat; a woman feeds a carrot to a horse